Flood and Society in the GBM Basin

The headwaters of the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basin span the Himalayas from the Gangotri glacier in the west to the tributaries of Yarlung Tsangpo/Siang, Lohit, Dibang and Subansiri in the east. This mega basin combining the three rivers is home to over one billion people living in the nation-states of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and China.

Hydropower from Tibet to the Mekong

Hydropower from Tibet to the Mekong

Hydropower from Indus to Mekong

This project explores the hydropower milieu shaping the river systems of the Tibetan Plateau to the Mekong.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The National Ganga River Basin Authority

Introduction to the National Ganga River Basin Authority initiative

The Environmental and Social Management Framework for the NGRBA
Volume 1-Environmental and Social Analysis, TERI

Volume 2-Project Management Group, MoEF